France Angels has forged strategic partnerships with major players in corporate finance.

The purpose of these partnerships is to co-construct outstanding and effective actions, within the framework of strategic axes defined together, in the interest of the France Angels community and its partners.

These actions can take different forms:

– organization of events at the national or regional level, thematic or sectoral, the main examples of which are given below,
– meetings with Business Angels, with managers of funded companies,
– provision of personalized services, offers dedicated to investors (management of their lines, their assets) and businesses (namely advice in any area of ​​business management, contribution of equity and quasi-equity, adapted and specific loans).

The spirit of our partnerships is to constitute together a force of creativity and proposal, both with investors, companies, financial, economic and sector stakeholders, and with public authorities.


In its mission of federation, France Angels organizes different types of events, whether at national, regional, internal or external level. Key events of the ecosystem are highlights for all players of the business development community.

National congress

Once a year, it is the key event for all networks and the ecosystem. More than 350 people gather to listen to the major players in the financing of business development. Under the auspices of a minister or secretary of state, many personalities use the tribune to express their point of view, to discuss, etc. Round tables are organized. A day full of content.

Business Angels week

More than thirty events are organized by networks throughout France in the same week (from November 28 to December 2, 2011). These events, which gathered nearly 2,500 people during the last edition, benefit from wide national and regional press coverage and a centralized orchestration of communication for more consistency of image and message. BA Week aims to promote Business Angels and their networks. The target: potential Business Angels, partners and players of the ecosystem, businessmen.

Business fair

Paris to Nantes: the business development fair. France Angels achieves a major success every year at this fair.

In Extenso Innovation Croissance

In Extenso Innovation Croissance advises innovative organizations on the major challenges of tomorrow by providing companies and public actors with the strategic vision of a partner capable of proposing and implementing scientific, technical, strategic, financial and fiscal recommendations in matters of sustainable innovation.


Legaltech specializing in the digitalization of operations on company capital.


Bpifrance is a public investment bank, a French organization for business financing and development. It brings together Oséo, CDC Entreprises, the FSI and FSI Regions.

Bpifrance Création

Bpifrance Création that resulted from the merger of Agence France Entrepreneur (AFE) and Caisse des Dépôts (CDC) aims to facilitate entrepreneurship for all by removing the barriers to information, financing and growth.


EuroQuity is the web service created by Bpifrance in partnership with KfW, to connect growth companies with development partners, in particular investors.

Do you want to associate the image of your company / organization with that of France Angels, occasionally or year-round?